Kidney cysts (Renal Cysts) and Treatment

Kidney cysts (Renal Cysts) and Treatment


What are Kidney cysts?

Kidney cysts or renal cysts are sacs of fluid that form in the kidneys. They are usually characterized as "simple" cysts, meaning they have a thin wall and contain water-like fluid. Renal cysts become fairly common as people age and usually do not cause symptoms or harm.

Symptoms of Kidney cysts

When such renal cyst complications occur, symptoms may include:

  • Fever
  • Pain or tenderness between the ribs and pelvis
  • Upper abdominal pain
  • Changes in urinary habits
  • Blood in the urine (Hematuria)


Causes of Kidney cysts

The cause of renal cysts is not known, although age is a major risk   factor. It can be normal to have more than one simple cyst in each kidney, especially with increasing age.

PKD is a genetic disorder characterized by clusters of cysts that can impair kidney function.


Conventional Treatment


Renal cysts generally do not require treatment unless they are causing symptoms or harming kidney function. In rare cases, renal cysts may require treatment due to infection, bleeding, or enlargement.

 Treatment options include

  • Sclerotherapy: Also known as percutaneous alcohol ablation.
  • Surgery: For larger cysts, a surgeon will make a small incision and access the cyst with a laparoscope. The surgeon will then drain the cyst and burn or cut away its outer layer.

·         Natural Treatment: The best medicinal treatment option to renal cysts is Homoeopathy.


Why Homoeopathy in Kidney cysts?

ü  Homoeopathic medicines can dissolve the renal cysts.

ü  First well selected medicines reduces the fluid in the cyst, thus the size of the cysts shrink. Finally the cysts are dissolved.

ü  Homoeopathic medicines cure the associated complications and complaints of the renal cyst.

ü  Homoeopathic medicines prevent recurrence of kidney cyst 

Treatment options include

  • Sclerotherapy: Also known as percutaneous alcohol ablation.
  • Surgery: For larger cysts, a surgeon will make a small incision and access the cyst with a laparoscope. The surgeon will then drain the cyst and burn or cut away its outer layer.

·         Natural Treatment: The best medicinal treatment option to renal cysts is Homoeopathy.


Why Homoeopathy in Kidney cysts?

ü  Homoeopathic medicines can dissolve the renal cysts.

ü  First well selected medicines reduces the fluid in the cyst, thus the size of the cysts shrink. Finally the cysts are dissolved.

ü  Homoeopathic medicines cure the associated complications and complaints of the renal cyst.

ü  Homoeopathic medicines prevent recurrence of kidney cyst 


Dr Kazy Habib BHMS, MPH

General physician, Homoeopathic Medicine

Contact: 8801738618894 (Whats app, Imo)

Kazy Homoeopathic Treatment & Private Research Center


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