
Black Fungus Mucormycosis; General and Homoeopathic management

Black Fungus Mucormycosis; General and Homoeopathic management   I mages-Wikipedia Mucormycosis Mucormycosis (previously called zygomycosis) is a serious but rare fungal infection caused by a group of molds called mucormycetes. These molds live throughout the environment. Mucormycosis mainly affects people who have health problems or take medicines that lower the body’s ability to fight germs and sickness. (CDC) Causes of Black Fungus or Mucormycosis Zygomycetes  represent the general class of fungi that cause mucormycosis.  Rhizopus arrhizus  species from the Mucoraceae family are the most commonly identified cause of mucormycosis in humans. Other fungal causes may include Mucor species,  Cunninghamella Bertholletia ,  Apophysomyces elegans , Absidia species, Saksenaea species,  Rhizomucor pusillus , Entomophthora species, Conidiobolus species, and Basidiobolus species. How does someone get mucormycosis? People get mucormycosis through contact with fungal spores in the envir

Management approach to the COVID-19 sick or suspected patient

Management approach to the COVID-19 sick or suspected patient Contact person with COVID-19 patients – Stay at home / Quarantine  Asymptomatic COVID-19 patients- Stay at home, monitor status and Food treatment  Mild COVID-19 sick patients- Fever, cough, diarrhea – Home treatment + doctor advice  Moderate COVID-19 sick patients- Medical care from home/ Outpatient medical care • More troublesome cough but not in pain • Temperature more than 37.8°c. • Breathless on exercise, walking up the stairs, but not to a degree that alarms you • Diarrhoea Severe COVID-19 sick patients- Hospitalize the patient for emergency care Hospitalize or take emergency medical treatment for the following condition  Bedside signs of shock for both COVID-19 and other patients are  Vital signs- • Heart rate or pulse more than 100 b /minute  • Blood pressure, less than 90 mm of Mg • Change in mental status, Alert is a good sign. verbal, pain, or unresponsive is concerning  • Cold h

Approach to the COVID-19 sick or suspected patient

  Approach to the COVID-19 sick or suspected patient   Primary approach ·         Evaluate patients, ·         Think about the cause and severity of their illness, and ·         Begin to treat   Next   ·         Continue to recheck them because their condition may change. ·         When checking them, we continue to use the evaluate, think, act approach.   Evaluation 1.       General appearance ·         Signs of anxiety , sleepiness , respiratory fatigue , ·         Diaphoresis (sweatiness). 2.       level of consciousness AVPU scale/categorization system. A= Alert, clearly paying attention to their surroundings V= Verbal (responds to voice), P= Pain (responds only to painful stimuli) U= Unresponsive . Don’t respond to two attempts at painful stimuli   3.       ABCs or ·         A= Airway , If the patient is speaking normally, consider the airway open and clear. ·         B= Breathing , rapid respiratory rate greater than 25 breat