Management approach to the COVID-19 sick or suspected patient

Management approach to the COVID-19 sick or suspected patient

Contact person with COVID-19 patients – Stay at home / Quarantine 

Asymptomatic COVID-19 patients- Stay at home, monitor status and Food treatment 

Mild COVID-19 sick patients- Fever, cough, diarrhea – Home treatment + doctor advice 

Moderate COVID-19 sick patients- Medical care from home/ Outpatient medical care

More troublesome cough but not in pain

Temperature more than 37.8°c.

Breathless on exercise, walking up the stairs, but not to a degree that alarms you


Severe COVID-19 sick patients- Hospitalize the patient for emergency care

Hospitalize or take emergency medical treatment for the following condition 

Bedside signs of shock for both COVID-19 and other patients are 

Vital signs-

Heart rate or pulse more than 100 b /minute 

Blood pressure, less than 90 mm of Mg

Change in mental status, Alert is a good sign. verbal, pain, or unresponsive is concerning 

Cold hands and feet

Capillary refill more than 4 seconds, 

Urine output less than 0.5 ml /kg/hour measured over at least 30 minutes.

Shock index more than 1. 

                             Heart rate or pulse

Shock index = ………………………………………. = > 1

                           Systolic blood pressure (0.9 or less)

Signs or symptoms of respiratory distress.

These signs include 

Oxygen saturation SpO2 reading lower than 94%.  

Slow or rapid breathing, more than 30 breaths per minute 

Diaphoresis, or sweating, 

Inability to lie flat, 

Brief speech, or 

Use of abdominal accessory and   muscles for breathing.

Signs of respiratory failure may include 

Cyanosis or blue discoloration of the skin, or 


Shortness of breath /Problems with Oxygenation or Ventilation, or a combination of both. 

Associated complication 

For COVID-19 patients,

Signs of toxicity -edema in the legs, 

Signs of heart failure with lower extremity edema, 

Signs of deep vein thrombosis with asymmetric lower extremities, swelling,

Signs of acute limb ischemia with absent pulse, rashes etc. 

Patients should be more concern who have past medical history of-

Heart disease, 

Lung disease, and 


References- Coursera, Standford Medicine, CDC, etc.  

Thank you very much

Dr. Kazy Habib BHMS, MPH

General Physician, Homoeopathic Medicine 

Contact: 8801738618894 (call, Imo)

Kazy Homoeopathic Treatment & Private Research Center




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