Homoepathic Nosodes ,Allersodes and Isodes & Covid 19 and other microbial disease prevention and cure Part-1


Homoepathic Nosodes ,Allersodes and Isodes  & Covid 19 and other microbial disease prevention and cure Part-1


Homoeopathic treatment system has a wide range and number of medicine which make it capable of treating a wide range of diseases even the new emerging diseases time and time again. Homoeopathy has a rich number of botanical, Zoological and chemical sourced medicine with their enriched literatures which are successfully treating all kind of diseases. But in case of treating Communicable diseases and difficult chronic diseases where the above sourced medicines fail, nosode  medicines  did and are doing very effective results.


So I believe, for preventing and treating new emerging and re-emerging  diseases which are mostly microbial in cause and communicable in character  the new research sector of Homoeopathy should be based on microbial sourced medicines and Microbiological knowledge should be a new quality of a Homoeopathic physician . Homoeopathic physicians who have Microbiology degree or skill should come ahead in Homoeopathic research.


In this article I will try to present introduction to Microbiological and Immunological  sourced medicines in Homoeopathy with my knowledge.


Medicines for Prevention and cure of emerging diseases like COVID 19 can be the Nosodes, Allersodes and Isodes.


“Nosodes are Homoeopathic attenuations of pathological organs or tissues; causative agents such as bacteria,fungi, ova, parasites, virus particles , and yeasts, disease products , excretions or secretions.”   - (Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of United States).


“Allersodes are Homoeopathic attenuations of antigens, ie, substances which ,under suitable conditions can induce the formation of antibodies .Antigens includes toxins, ferments, precipitinogens , agglutinogens, opsonogens, lysogens, venins,agglutinins, complements, opsonins, amboceptors,precipitins,and most native proteins.”

– (Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of United States).


“Isodes, sometimes called Detoxodes , are Homoeopathic attenuations of Botanical, Zoological, or Chemical substances, including drugs, excipients , or binders, which have been ingested or otherwise absorbed by the body and are believed to have produced a disease or disorder which interferes with homoestasis.”-    (Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of United States).

(Homeostasis is the state of steady internal, physical, and chemical conditions maintained by living systems.)


In next part I will try to present the structure, Character , Pathophysiology ,Immunological scopes of novel corona virus SARS- COV- 2.and scopes of making Nosodes, Allersodes and Isodes for COVID 19 disease.

Thank you

Dr Kazy Habibur Rahman
BHMS(GHMC)(University of Dhaka),
MPH(Reproductive and Child Health )(Bangladesh University of Health Sciences)(studying)

General Homoeopathic Physician 

Contact-8801738618894 (call, Imo) 


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