Homoepathic Nosodes ,Allersodes and Isodes & Covid 19 and other microbial disease prevention and cure Part-3

Homoepathic Nosodes ,Allersodes and Isodes  & Covid 19 and other microbial disease prevention and cure Part-3

In previous two parts I briefly explained about the Nosode, Allersode and Isodes Homoeopathic medicines and the structure , Pathophysiology of novel corona virus SARS COV 2 .I was trying to say that we can make Nosodes and Allersodes from the novel corona virus which can be preventive and curative both for COVID 19 .


The brief of previous articles was-

1. Disabling S-protein or Spike protein of SARS COV 2 virus  will prevent the virus from entering human cells. As a result, in spite of  contact with the virus, the virus will not be able to enter into the cell  and create the COVID 19 disease.

2. Prohibiting the  communication between the N-terminal of the N protein and single positive strand RNA can prevent the replication of the virus. As a result, It will not be able to  increase in number .

3.The Antibodies from cured cases can diminished the Corona virus antigens in the host cells also can make the virus ineffective and cure the host organism.


Ways to make Nosodes and Allersodes from SARS COV 2 (2019-nCoV)

1.      We can make Nosodes from the throat swab or any virus containing secretion of COVID 19 patients or from the whole virus particle ( According to Homoeopathic Pharmacy) …It will be preventive and curative as like other established Nosode medicines.


2.      We can make Allersodes from SARS COV 2 from its Spike protein (S1 and S2 Antigens ) which will be prevent corona virus entry into the host cell by making the S protein disable. This separate S protein is called Recombinate S protein . 


3.      We can make Allersodes from SARS COV 2 from its N protein . It will prevent the viral replication in the host cell…It will stop the further spreding in the body.


4.      We also can make Allersodes from Antibodies from the blood of COVID 19 patiens or cured cases.


So We can propose the following new Homoeopathic Microbiological sourced Homoeopathic Medicine for COVID 19-

1.      Nosode  ( Covidinum)

2.      S(S1/S2) Antigen Allersode  (Covidinum S. )

3.      N Antigen  Allersodes    (Covidinum N.)

4.      Antibody Allersode.    (Covidinum A.)

In the final part of my article I will try to present what kind of laboratory set up we need to conduct such research and go for production.


Dr Kazy Habibur Rahman
BHMS(GHMC)(University of Dhaka),
MPH(Reproductive and Child Health )(Bangladesh University of Health Sciences)(studying)

General Homoeopathic Physician 

Contact- 8801738618894 (Call, Imo) 


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