
Showing posts from April, 2021

Management approach to the COVID-19 sick or suspected patient

Management approach to the COVID-19 sick or suspected patient Contact person with COVID-19 patients – Stay at home / Quarantine  Asymptomatic COVID-19 patients- Stay at home, monitor status and Food treatment  Mild COVID-19 sick patients- Fever, cough, diarrhea – Home treatment + doctor advice  Moderate COVID-19 sick patients- Medical care from home/ Outpatient medical care • More troublesome cough but not in pain • Temperature more than 37.8°c. • Breathless on exercise, walking up the stairs, but not to a degree that alarms you • Diarrhoea Severe COVID-19 sick patients- Hospitalize the patient for emergency care Hospitalize or take emergency medical treatment for the following condition  Bedside signs of shock for both COVID-19 and other patients are  Vital signs- • Heart rate or pulse more than 100 b /minute  • Blood pressure, less than 90 mm of Mg • Change in mental status, Alert is a good sign. verbal, pain, or unresponsive is concerning  • Cold h

Approach to the COVID-19 sick or suspected patient

  Approach to the COVID-19 sick or suspected patient   Primary approach ·         Evaluate patients, ·         Think about the cause and severity of their illness, and ·         Begin to treat   Next   ·         Continue to recheck them because their condition may change. ·         When checking them, we continue to use the evaluate, think, act approach.   Evaluation 1.       General appearance ·         Signs of anxiety , sleepiness , respiratory fatigue , ·         Diaphoresis (sweatiness). 2.       level of consciousness AVPU scale/categorization system. A= Alert, clearly paying attention to their surroundings V= Verbal (responds to voice), P= Pain (responds only to painful stimuli) U= Unresponsive . Don’t respond to two attempts at painful stimuli   3.       ABCs or ·         A= Airway , If the patient is speaking normally, consider the airway open and clear. ·         B= Breathing , rapid respiratory rate greater than 25 breat

Homoepathic Nosodes ,Allersodes and Isodes & Covid 19 and other microbial disease prevention and cure Part-3

Homoepathic Nosodes ,Allersodes and Isodes  & Covid 19 and other microbial disease prevention and cure Part-3 In previous two parts I briefly explained about the Nosode, Allersode and Isodes Homoeopathic medicines and the structure , Pathophysiology of novel corona virus SARS COV 2 .I was trying to say that we can make Nosodes and Allersodes from the novel corona virus which can be preventive and curative both for COVID 19 .   The brief of previous articles was- 1. Disabling S-protein or Spike protein of SARS COV 2 virus  will prevent the virus from entering human cells. As a result, in spite of  contact with the virus, the virus will not be able to enter into the cell  and create the COVID 19 disease. 2. Prohibiting the  communication between the N-terminal of the N protein and single positive strand RNA can prevent the replication of the virus. As a result, It will not be able to  increase in number . 3.The Antibodies from cured cases can diminished the Corona virus a

Homoepathic Nosodes ,Allersodes and Isodes & Covid 19 and other microbial disease prevention and cure Part-2

Homoepathic Nosodes ,Allersodes and Isodes  & Covid 19 and other microbial disease prevention and cure Part-2   Structure of Novel Corona Virus SARS-COV-2 (2019-nCoV )-   It is composed of four structural proteins, Nucleocapsid (N) protein, Membrane (M) protein, spike (S) protein and envelope (E) protein and several non-structural proteins (NSP) (Figure 1). The capsid is a protein shell, inside the capsid there is  Nuclear capsid or N-protein.     Pathophysiology of Novel Corona Virus-   The single positive strand  RNA attached to the N-protein virus that hijacks the virus to human cells turns them into virus factories. The N protein coats viral RNA genomes that play an important role in its replication (multiplication in number) and transcription.   The N-terminal of the N protein binds to genomic and sub-genomic RNAs process the  viral replication(multiplication in number). Inhibition of communication between the N-terminal of the N protein and the single

Homoepathic Nosodes ,Allersodes and Isodes & Covid 19 and other microbial disease prevention and cure Part-1

  Homoepathic Nosodes ,Allersodes and Isodes  & Covid 19 and other microbial disease prevention and cure Part-1   Homoeopathic treatment system has a wide range and number of medicine which make it capable of treating a wide range of diseases even the new emerging diseases time and time again. Homoeopathy has a rich number of botanical, Zoological and chemical sourced medicine with their enriched literatures which are successfully treating all kind of diseases. But in case of treating Communicable diseases and difficult chronic diseases where the above sourced medicines fail, nosode  medicines  did and are doing very effective results.   So I believe, for preventing and treating new emerging and re-emerging  diseases which are mostly microbial in cause and communicable in character  the new research sector of Homoeopathy should be based on microbial sourced medicines and Microbiological knowledge should be a new quality of a Homoeopathic physician . Homoeopathic physician

Kidney cysts (Renal Cysts) and Treatment

Kidney cysts (Renal Cysts) and Treatment   What are Kidney cysts? Kidney cysts or renal cysts are sacs of fluid that form in the kidneys. They are usually characterized as "simple" cysts, meaning they have a thin wall and contain water-like fluid. Renal cysts become fairly common as people age and usually do not cause symptoms or harm. Symptoms of Kidney cysts When such renal cyst complications occur, symptoms may include: Fever Pain or tenderness between the ribs and pelvis Upper abdominal pain Changes in urinary habits Blood in the urine ( Hematuria )   Causes of Kidney cysts The cause of renal cysts is not known, although age is a major risk   factor. It can be normal to have more than one simple cyst in each kidney, especially with increasing age. PKD is a genetic disorder characterized by clusters of cysts that can impair kidney function.   Conventional Treatment   Renal cysts generally do not require treatment u